
TnT Competition Settings

Team Screen – TnT – Settings

  • Set the “Gov Body” field to “USATT”
  • Set the Team “Gender” field to the appropriate gender
  • If “”Both”” option is chosen, then the women’s levels and age group values will be used. (Found under the “Tools” main menu option). Also, remember to set the “Gender” field for each team member.

Meet Screen – TnT Settings

  • Set the “Program” field to “Tramp & Tumbling”
  • Set the “Governing Body” field to “USATT”
  • Set the “Routines” field to “Compulsory & Optional” if the competitors are performing two passes on any event (the first pass will be considered the “Compulsory” routine and the second pass will be considered the “Optional” routine.
  • Score Options tab – Check the “Input Neutral Deductions” field if you want to input deductions on the “Speed Score” screen

Speed Score Screen – TnT Fields

  • By setting the Meet field “Program” to TnT will cause each of the judges individual scores to be added together with the “Bonus” field.
  • By setting the Meet field “Input Neutral Deductions” to Yes will cause each of the Neutral Deductions field to be displayed and subtracted from the sum of the judges and bonus scores.

Reporting – TnT Results

  • By setting the Meet field “Gender” to “Both” will display a “Gender” field on the appropriate selection criteria screens. A “W”,”M” or a BLANK can be inputted in this field. (BLANK will ignore the Gender value for each competitor, therefore selecting all competitors.
  • By setting the Meet field “Routine” to “Compulsory & Optional” will display a “Which Routine” field in the upper right of the appropriate selection criteria screens.
  • When running a “Compulsory & Optional” meet you have the ability to run reports that select either or both routines for score calculations.

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